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Empty Hand: A Karate Word Book

AutorRui Umezawa
Número de artículo6397935647
Terminal correspondantAndroid, iPhone, iPad, PC

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When people of all types of martial arts backgrounds starting fighting each other for rankings it was called full contact karate. Now someone has coined it to be MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). If anything, why not just call it Martial Arts (MA)? After all, martial arts covers it all. But you can't use every martial art in MMA since some involve weapons. The word "karate" means empty hand. So why ...

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This is an outtake of the Heian Kata system seminar I led on the 13th of May in Frechen. This video shows the often underestimated technique "Tetsui-Uchi" and it's impact on the partner. Further more there is a possibility for the use of the three Age Uke moves in heian Shodan. Karatepraxis : Empty Hand…

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